April 27, 2021
It never hurts to be well-prepped for worst case scenarios.
No one expects to be involved in a car accident. But it can happen in the blink of an eye – whether its your fault or someone else’s.
Stop Your Vehicle
If you fail to stop, it’s considered as a crime in the UK.
Turn your engine off.
Switch on your Hazard lights.
Identify Any Injuries and Contact the Emergency Services
Try to move and look for any injuries or pains to yourself and your passengers.
If you or anybody else is injured, call the ambulance and police by dialing 999.
Exchange Details with Third Parties
Exchange your insurance details with the third party or any other parties involved.
Try to collect any witness details, take their name, address and phone numbers.
Take Photos and Video if possible
Take photos with your phone and make a video if possible.
Contact Locar
Contacts Locar’s accident team on 0330 202 0790, but only once it’s safe to do so.